Book Review: “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There” by M. Golfsmith & M. Reiter

“What Got You Here Won’t Get You There” is a book that delves into the habits and behaviors that successful people need to change in order to become even more successful. The authors emphasize the importance of self-awareness and the willingness to evolve in order to reach new heights of success.

The book is divided into sections that explore the challenges of success, the habits that hold people back, and strategies for personal growth. One key concept discussed is the idea that successful individuals often resist change because they believe their past behaviors have led to their success. However, the authors argue that true growth comes from being open to feedback and making intentional changes in behavior.

Throughout the book, Goldsmith and Reiter provide practical advice and exercises for readers to implement in their own lives. They stress the importance of seeking feedback, listening attentively, and practicing feedforward to improve personal and professional relationships. The authors also highlight the value of making changes in the present moment, rather than waiting for the “perfect” time to start.

Overall, “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There” offers a valuable perspective on the journey to success and the importance of continuous self-improvement. As Buddha said, “Please just use what works for you and let go of the rest.”

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