The Importance of a Proper Onboarding Process for New Hires: A 90-Day Plan

Starting a new job can be both exciting and overwhelming for new hires. A proper onboarding process is essential to ensure that new employees feel welcomed, supported, and prepared to succeed in their new role. A well-structured onboarding program not only helps new hires to integrate into the company culture but also sets them up for long-term success.

Here is a 90-day onboarding plan with smart goals for the 30-day, 60-day, and 90-day milestones:

30-Day Goals:

  • Introduce the new hire to the company culture, values, and mission.
  • Provide an overview of the team structure and key stakeholders.
  • Set clear expectations for performance and goals.
  • Assign a buddy to support the new hire and answer any questions they may have.
  • Schedule 1:1 sessions with key people in the organization.

60-Day Goals:

  • Ensure the new hire has a good understanding of their role and responsibilities.
  • Provide opportunities for the new hire to shadow team members and learn about different aspects of the business.
  • Encourage the new hire to start contributing to projects and initiatives.
  • Gather feedback from the new hire on their onboarding experience and make any necessary improvements.

90-Day Goals:

  • Evaluate the new hire’s progress and address any areas for improvement.
  • Provide opportunities for further training and development.
  • Set goals for the next 90 days and beyond.
  • Celebrate the new hire’s achievements and milestones.

As a hiring manager, it is crucial to have a clear checklist of actions to perform to welcome and guide the new hire. This checklist may include setting up their workspace, introducing them to the team, providing necessary resources and training, and scheduling regular check-ins to ensure they are settling in well.

Assigning a buddy to support the new hire is also important. The buddy can help the new hire navigate the organization, answer any questions they may have, and provide guidance and support as they acclimate to their new role.

Additionally, providing the new hire with the opportunity to provide feedback on the onboarding program is essential. This feedback can help identify any areas that need improvement and ensure that future new hires have a positive onboarding experience.

In conclusion, a proper onboarding process is crucial for the success of new hires. By implementing a structured 90-day onboarding plan with clear goals and milestones, hiring managers can ensure that new employees feel welcomed, supported, and prepared to excel in their new role. By following a comprehensive onboarding program, companies can set their new hires up for long-term success and create a positive and productive work environment.

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